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Second series painting of the anxious eyes! The dreadful eyes of animals who are at the verge of death in the slaughter house!

The anxious eyes of the cat that show the evil's appearance,
The anxious eyes of the pig that show it's friend's death!
The anxious eyes of the chicken that show the evil activites,
The anxious eyes of the dog that appear before its loss of breath!
The cow's anxious eyes that you pity ,when you are shown a slaughtering video,
Where's the same pity gone while someone else is seen killing a cheerful goat?
And last but not the least,
See the anxious eyes of a human who escapes from all his fears by being in a fort while watching all these deaths in the day to day life!
All these anxious eyes depict the same thing - fear,
Then why is one eye being cared, while the other is regarded as mere?
Just a thought
- Preethi Bhat
#thought #animals #anxious #eye #art #poem #slaughter #dreadful

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